Tuesday, August 26, 2014


1. Some idiot introduced mongooses to control rats in the sugar cane fields and guess what happened ? ( Sound familiar ? ).
2. Hawaiians love the Australian sense of humour - it could be that they are laughing at me not with me.
3. The local coffee producers are marketing a juice made from the extract of coffee cherries ( that's the red bit that encases the coffee bean ) blended with pineapple juice. It's being marketed as a super antioxidant ( SAO ). I've done my bit for the cause and developed a Ginsao. If you haven't tried it, don't knock it !
4. The Rainbow motif adorns the number plates of all vehicles but gay marriage is illegal.
5. The classic cocktail ' Mai Tai ' was invented in Hawaii, but can you get one using the local rum ? They might as well rename it the ' Usain Bolt'.
6. Every letter is pronounced in the Hawaiian language - I love hearing them say 'telephone'.
7. 5 bob each way ? In trying to appease both the Brits and the Yankees, the Hawaiian flag is the Union flag combined with the American stripes.
8. It is suggested that Pearl Harbour could have been avoided. The general consensus is that the person in charge of monitoring the radar that fateful day relayed the following message : " Don't worry. they're ours ".
9. The bastards stole our macadamias ( they're the largest producer of macadamia nuts in the world ).
10. When asked what Captain Cook tasted like, the spokesman for the Chief who took the first bite said : " a cross between chicken and fish ".

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