Sunday, August 31, 2014

San Francisco - A city of 2 faces

It was somewhat of a shock to the Librarian when, after the salubrious ( if somewhat dated ) digs we enjoyed in Honolulu, we moved to the Post Hotel in Frisco. The fresh paint and spruce up she had recently received didn't hide the fact she was showing her age. The room was one third the size, the view was of the tenement next door, the lobby staff were uninterested
Biscuits and Blues

Just finishing off the electricals

Custard tarts ? Who would have thought !
but as least the water pressure in the shower was good ! Breakfast was a savoury croissant and a cup of drip filtered java at a nearby hipster café and then straight into a bit of retail therapy followed by a tea tasting and yum cha in Chinatown. The city was alive and vibrant and apparently full of tourists on this fine Saturday of the Labour Day weekend. We're getting the knack of keeping to the right hand side of the footpath as is the American way. For dinner we ended up at a nearby classy Italian restaurant - and enjoyed two local fish dishes - halibut and sole - and 2 glasses of Californian white.

"When the lights go down in the California town people are in for the evening". So sang John Stewart in his 70's hit 'Gold', but nothing could be further from the truth in SF. It was like a can had been opened disgorging buskers and beggars on each corner - the majority being African Americans (  nothing had changed since we were last here 17 years ago ). So we decided to combine a late night supper with the Tennessee tones of Eric Thomas and the Rhumboogies at the Biscuits and Blues Club......"I'm a crosscut saw baby, drag me across your lawn".

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